Skyline With Iron & Nickel Coated Hands
—Nwuguru Chidiebere Sullivan
Skyline With Iron & Nickel Coated Hands
“Asteroid could barrel into Earth on Valentine's Day in 23 years: NASA”
— Allie Griffin, New York Post. March 9, 2023.
The season throws a love party. I turn up in red & pretend I'm ravenous & desperate
for tulips. It's February 14, 2046, & the toad still croaks for a mate. I’ve worked out
my hands to get here. I am all over this supermarket's website searching for a perfect
souvenir for my date. Suddenly. I lost my buds; can't find sweetness in any of these
packages. The good news: beyond this blunt tongue, there's a spring for me. My thirst
winnows. I phone my lover in a timely reminder. She says, of all that matters, having
your face in my palms without asking first for your permission wraps my destiny
around your shoulder. I'm grateful you offer me your wings. I drop into freezing
rapids & emerge warm through the canyon rocks. Out here, all the road signs lead to
the venue of the date with my darling. For the first time, the sky pays close attention
to my schedule. On my way, the road widens for my comfort. My pace runs over the
city's bustles. Every car's honk unites into R&B songs blasting from decent speakers.
I'm enjoying this moment. The wages of hearty moments are in the littlest fun, well-
owned & lived. I'm owning this moment, until the sky out of envy hurls an asteroid
upon this place, creating a crater so wide, it swallows all of us; its iron hand coated
with nickel reaches for me. I'm blinking out, the deafening silence, so morbid, I can
already witness the future. It's February 14, 2076, I wake as an angel among aliens. I
phone my lover to make up for the aborted date, & she is stunned into numbness.
When she finally speaks, she says to me, your gust still smells like an anniversary
cake. At this moment, our moons merge & forever remain a heartbeat close.
NWUGURU CHIDIEBERE SULLIVAN (he/him/his) is a speculative writer of Izzi, Abakaliki ancestry; a finalist for the 2023 Rhysling Award, a nominee for the Forward Prize, Pushcart Prize, and Best of The Net Award; a data science/analyst techie and a licensed medical laboratory scientist. He was the winner of the 2021 Write About Now’s Cookout Literary Prize. He has works at Strange Horizons, FIYAH, Uncanny Mag, Nightmare Mag, Augur Mag, stranFilednotes Journal, Antithesis Journal, Kernel Magazine, Mizna, and elsewhere. He tweets @wordpottersul1.