The Earth Retraces its Steps
—Stella Ho
The Earth Retraces its Steps
but has forgotten the way home.
When a nightingale sings
in the middle of the day,
no one stops to listen.
Seashells in a bucket.
Time trapped in a bottle.
Voices slicing through radio static.
Dew on the deck
scintillating in the early hours
like a sheet of glass.
I caught a glimpse of the horizon
from the height of tranquility.
As the plane resisted
the natural pull of earth, before
all my vices returned,
I felt myself flow towards
that undefined space
shaped in the form of good
things to come.
Jazz in the corridors,
the press of warm bodies.
Pennies in the pool
and wet leaves crunching
beneath my feet.
Another season has passed.
All texture,
no instructions.
I drift between nowhere
and everywhere like a song
without pause,
and rhythm,
and end,
turning to sound.