The Road
—Jim Burns
The Road
I took up this road,
not by my choosing,
you understand,
down by the sawmill
where the river makes its turn,
far back in the time
that would someday become dreams,
and I followed it
without thinking
as it climbed lazily toward peaks
obscured by clouds,
negotiated switchbacks,
then turned and retreated
toward valleys
that when approached closely
were yellowed and arid and brittle,
and turned again to find the river
to hitch a ride
to catch its breath,
and now I can just make out
the end in the distance,
and I want off
to scramble back through
the thickets from which I’d come,
pick up another road
and travel it my way,
but on that road there is a toll
and I have no coins,
so I will follow others’ dusty footsteps
in this road until it ends.
JIM BURNS was born and raised in rural Indiana. He received degrees from both Indiana State University and Indiana University, then spent most of his professional life working as a librarian. A few years after his retirement, in an effort to keep his mind reasonably sharp, he returned to writing poetry, with which he had dabbled decades earlier, and is now happily obsessed with transmitting thoughts to paper in as pleasing a manner as possible.