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Self Portrait as a Moth

—Selah Sanchez

                                                      Self Portrait as a Moth

                                   I am drawn to melancholic things:

                                   Moon and night and artificial light,

                                   Flying my way though it doesn’t always feel right,

                                   Seeing clearly in the night.

                                   I am a papery thing that hides a heart

                                   of ink, beating so badly it bursts through my eyes.

                                   Let me cling to the mesh of

                                   your door screen, and soak in your inner

                                   workings, for I am small and know my place- to

                                    hear of harrowing trials or the daily mundane

                                    is enough to put contentment on my face.

                                    Yes, I am a watcher.

                                    Always have been, always will be,

                                    A fuzzy little ghost in an old oak tree

                                    Covert, close yet oh, so free!


SELAH SANCHEZ is currently a freshman at Chapman University, studying the major of Creative Writing. Previously she graduated from Orange County School of the Arts. From a young age she has been fascinated by both the world around her and the worlds she encountered in stories, and since then has had a passion for writing. She lives at home with her mother, older brother, and dog.

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